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Главная » 2011 » Январь » 8 » DataLife Engine v.8.5 Final Release UTF-8
DataLife Engine v.8.5 Final Release UTF-8

Been developed and implemented the following changes:

Links for downloading the script open source:

1. Added ability to specify in the settings of user groups, the categories in which they are allowed to add news. In case of these restrictions in group settings, users can add news only in the designated categories, and in any other. At the same time you add will be available only to the list of allowed categories.

2. In setting the script added the possibility to enable or disable the automatic parsing of links in the text of the news. If you enable this feature, all text links starting with http://, will be automatically converted into clickable links.
3. Added the correct processing of the tag PAGEBREAK in the static pages, while displaying the search results on static pages.

4. In setting the script added the possibility to set a minimum number of characters in the commentary, thus you can limit the potential flood of comments, and delete the comment irrelevant phrases such as "Thanks" or "+1", etc.
5. Added support script support play on the site in the MKV container format video H.264/AAC. Thus, you can place on a site high definition video resolutions up to Full HD, while requiring 20% less traffic than traditional formats of video playback, and you can upload videos containing audio 5.1, multiple language audio tracks, as well as subtitles.

6. In setting the script added the possibility to specify downloadable images, by which side of the default to create smaller copy. You can specify: "For the most party", "Justify" or "in height."
DataLife Engine v.8.5 Final Release

7. Ability to use for promotional materials at the start and end time display of banners. These parameters are optional, and if these parameters are not specified, then the banner will display an unlimited amount of time. You can also separately specify the date as soon as the beginning of the show, and only the end date display.

8. Changed how activate the "gallery" when displaying thumbnail images, this mode is now enabled only when viewing the full news to combine running the gallery only within the same news, and is not included in the derivation of the summary news.

9. Settings overlay a watermark on the video were transferred from the configuration script to configure video players.


10. In group settings added to allow or deny a group to change the settings upload pictures to the server. You can allow the group to change the boot size of the small copies, overlay watermarks, etc. Such an opportunity was only available in the standard group did not lower the status of "journalist".

11. In antivirus added control of changes in the javascript files. If you are taking the snapshot, in this picture are made as all JS files, and in case of occurrence of these changes, the antivirus will warn you of their presence.


12. Added Gzip compressed javascript files, when you turn on this feature in your script, all the JS script files are compressed in gzip files and cached on the server. This feature allows up to 70% to reduce the file size and thus significantly speed up the loading of web pages in the browser. You can also use gzip compression for CSS of your template later, after the release, we will post an article how to do it. This feature is only available for PHP 5.1 and above, if your PHP version below, this feature is automatically disabled.

13. For security purposes, removed the possibility to download files from backups database adminpaneli script, download the backup after the creation is possible only via FTP, the folder / backup /


14. Added ability to mass select the comments to remove them directly on the site. You can select the page number of the comments and remove them. To select the comments in the template comments.tpl used the tag (mass-action), and menu design choice of running the class .Mass_comments_action. Mass action over the comments are permitted only to groups who are allowed to delete the settings all comments.


15. In adminpanel script adds the ability to edit and delete all comments. Previously, the ability to edit the news was only for a specific news.


16. Ability to adminpanel script when adding or editing news, edit and delete found similar news.


17. Ability to view the results of voting in of control on the site.

18. Due to the fact that many administrators recklessly allow adding news to the administration panel for the few people known to them, to allow or prevent in group settings, for use in news HTML, also applies when you add news from the administration panel. While we strongly recommend not to give access to the administration panel for everybody who asks for it.


19. Ability to vote at the site set a date for the start of voting and the end date of the vote. Moreover, if these options are installed, the voting will begin and end automatically at a specified time. If they are not installed, then the vote will be displayed regardless of the date until it will not be reviewed by hand in of control.

20. Layout main.tpl added a new tag [static = page name] text [/ static], which displays the text specified in this tag when viewing this static page. Also added an opposite tag [not-static = page name] text [/ not-static], which displays the text everywhere, except the specified table. Also allowed to use the data tag names of a few pages, for the names of the static pages must be listed separated by commas.

21. Added support for user registration E-mail address, in the single-character second level domains. Such mail domains until one http://i.ua

22. Added support for the Security Code (CAPTCHA) when using the site secure SSL (https: / /) protocol.

23. Added caching of such sections as: View all the news user and display of news on the keyword from the tag cloud. What leads to lower load on the MySQL server.

24. Changes in forming algorithms cache script, which resulted in the problems solved while using the catalog in multiple languages such as Russian and English letters, as well as the formation of the tag custom, containing a large list of categories.


25. For additional fields added news editors use when writing their information, which makes adding information in the data field faster and more convenient. Depending on your setup script for the additional fields are included BB editor or WYSIWYG editor. As well as a field full of news adminpaneli script received its separate panel BB editor.


26. The list of mass action when editing news, added the possibility to clean up the key words for the tag cloud of the selected news.


27. When viewing the list of news in their editing, if the news was added to the poll, the added output corresponding information icons, which facilitates identification of news in which there is a poll.


28. In setting the script added ability to specify the type of graphic design larger photo of the smaller copy. You can select four types: With rounded edges and shadows, c straight edges and shadows, only shadows, only the frame without a shadow. For each type of permitted reassignment form in the CSS template.

29. Added ability to force the switch to the mobile version of the site. To do this you need to put in your template link http://site.com/index.php?action=mobile This feature is designed so that users logging onto your site from your mobile phone can freely switch between full and mobile version of the site on request . Also, users wishing to save your traffic can switch to the mobile version using the usual computer and browser.

30. Added support for fixed news in the derivation news using the tag custom. If the news recorded in these categories, then the derivation of them using the tag custom, they will also be the first.

31. Added support for RSS informers in the static pages. You can add tags informarov, as in the text of the static pages and the template file static pages.

32. Added support for advertising, from the module management of advertising materials, static pages. You can add tags banners, as in the text of the static pages and the template file static pages.


33. Reworked mechanisms for creating site maps for search engines Google and Yandex, resulting in added support for mapping the site, containing over 50 000 news. If your site has published more than 50 000 news, the site will be split into several files and the index file for maps.

34. The ability to set the withdrawal from the publication of news on the home page of the expiration of the publication of news, also added the possibility of removing the fixation news, after a specified period.

35. Added support for highlight rows in the list of editing of news, static pages and users, the script highlights the line where the cursor is the mouse that facilitates navigation and orientation in the list when editing a large number of items in the list.

36. Made numerous optimization in the source code of the administrative panel, providing the same display panel in different browsers.

37. Fixed problem where you may not display additional fields for user profiles when viewing the list of recent comments.

38. Fixed problem where the wrong takes into account the results of the survey in the news, when there are many variants of answers and votes.

39. Fixed problem where the script crashes when editing the user of his E-mail has changed to an existing from another user.

40. Fixed problem where the wrong converted to additional quotes. field profile and they are automatically converted to HTML entities when re-editing.

41. Fixed a problem with the Opera browser for the automatic transliteration of the Latin letters in the Cyrillic alphabet, used in the BB editor.

42. Fixed problem with incorrect transliteration of the names of files containing the title of the Cyrillic alphabet in the mass loading to the server.

Links for downloading the script open source:

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